When a story becomes History
Passion and devotion to agriculture for more than a century define the tradition of the Aqallal Family originating in the ancient city of Fès, the historical city of Morocco and spiritual capital of the Kingdom. Our Family is known for its engagement to development and perfection of agriculture, and for an ancient olive-growing tradition. Ancestor of several generations of oliverons, Boujida Aqallal was named at the end of the 19th Century “Amine El-Fellaha” of the area of Fès, which is an honorary title meaning “The wisest of the Farmers” considering his great experiment of the soil, his wisdom and his piety. He had several olive groves at Ras-El-Ma, Zalagh and Lemta and operated his own olive crushing mill. For four generations this passion has guided us in the production of our extra virgin olive oil making the History of oil in Morocco today.

Boujida Aqallal

Mohamed Aqallal

Omar Aqallal

Aqallal family
Story of our olive trees.
Our olive trees are planted in a harsh rocky desert. The significant temperature variations (124°F in summer with extremely cold nights), the rocky soil where the roots struggle to develop along with the scarcity of water puts stress on the olive trees. In the process of protecting themselves, the olive trees produce a high amount of antioxidants, including hydroxytyrosol.
The estate of El-Borouj, also called «Domaine Mabrouka», is located in the middle of a rocky desert on the phosphate plate at 150 Kilometers from Casablanca towards Marrakech. In this Farm, we removed more than 480,000 cubic meters of stones and built one wall by hand, stone by stone, on a length of 6 Kilometers 1.5 meter high and 1 meter deep. In this way we have finally attained the optimal agronomic characteristics required by the olive trees for a fine olive production. Today this farm with its 153 Ha of olive trees irrigated by the waters coming from the Atlas, constitutes a real oasis where a high quality, delicate and aromatic olive oil is produced.

The numbers of quality
Atlas Olive Oils is an integrated-production farm. We are structured to produce only extra virgin olive oil of superior quality. Three farms located at the foot of the Atlas mountain chain at an altitude ranging between 300 and 450 meters, a total area of around 1000 Ha of which 800 Ha are cultivated with olive for more than 1’400’000 olive trees of the best quality. Constant monitoring of the cultivations and mechanized picking at an optimal ripeness with only a 20 minutes lapse between harvest and grinding. The olive oil is exclusively extracted through a mechanical process in a low temperature continuous line to get about 1’500’000 liters of excellent extra virgin olive oil with 0.2° maximum acidity. The distinctiveness of our oil lies also in the attention to detail during every phase of the production process, the selection of our highly skilled workforce and the use of European technology and know-how. All this gives life to a wonderful olive oil you can find only in the best international gourmet stores. Atlas Olive Oils represents the highest quality of Morocco around the world.
more infoThe excellence of Moroccan Extra Virgin
Respect for territory and people, love for tradition and passion for innovation are the fundamental values our extra virgin olive oils hold and retrieve for the real gourmet of all the world. But we are not satisfied with it. We always aim to the highest possible quality to achieve this excellence. That is our belief, our commitment, an ever new direction towards which we want to go.
Atlas Olive Oils represents a business figure of excellence for Morocco and expresses the best of culinary culture of this country in the world. To make the best extra virgin olive oil in Morocco is a great honour for us and a high responsibility. It is a challenge we face every day because we believe in the value of our workforce and in the good quality of the fruits of our terroir.
Prizes and recognitions
All the prizes obtained by our ultra premium extra virgin olive oils in the most important international competitions and all the recognitions received by important magazines and gastronomic guides are tangible witnesses of our products’ excellence. Among the awards that we won, we can mention: MARIO SOLINAS organized by the International Olive Oil Council in Madrid, the GREAT TASTE AWARDS of London, The International Olive Oil Competition of Los Angeles in the USA, OIL CHINA in Shanghai, LEONE D’ORO DE MAESTRI OLEARI in Milan, AIPO competition in Verona, FLOS OLEI guide of best olive oils in the world, Montreal TRENDS AND INNOVATIONS for food trends, the American TRAVEL & LEISURE as well as SAVEUR magazines on ranking the best olive oils in the world, among others.
more infoAwards
The awards we have been appointed represents the emblematic synthesis of our passion, technique and terroir